President's Podcast - Comets for Life


Comets for Life is a club at Hillcrest Academy that advocates for life. This club consists of students passionate about protecting the lives of the most vulnerable individuals in society, particularly unborn babies and children. Through their involvement in Comets for Life, these students have had the opportunity to learn, engage, and make a difference in their community.

One of the activities that the club has participated in is attending the Minnesota March for Life in St. Paul. This event provides a platform for individuals to come together and raise awareness about the sanctity of life. The students from Comets for Life joined thousands of others in marching and standing up for the rights of the unborn. This experience was described as amazing and something they would be willing to do repeatedly.

In addition to attending the March for Life, the club has also been involved in other activities that promote life. They visited the health resources center, where they learned more about the importance of healthcare and support for women facing unplanned pregnancies. They have also had the opportunity to witness an ultrasound, allowing them to see a developing baby's beauty and humanity. This firsthand experience left a lasting impact on the students, as they realized the value and preciousness of every life.

Dawn Synstelien, a mentor who plays a crucial role in guiding and supporting the students, leads Comets for Life's meetings. The meetings serve as a platform for the students to discuss their plans, future initiatives, and ways to make an impact. Dawn's wisdom and dedication to the cause of life have been instrumental in shaping the perspectives and actions of the club members. She is described as an amazing person who makes everything better, and her heart is always pointed towards Jesus.

Through their involvement in Comets for Life, the students are advocating for life and learning important life lessons. They are discovering the importance and impact of their actions and the significance of standing up for what they believe in. They are learning to be compassionate and empathetic towards others, especially those vulnerable and marginalized. The club provides a space for these students to grow, learn, and make a difference while being supported by their mentors and fellow club members.


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