Hillcrest Student Portal
Summer Reading Lists
Incoming 5th Graders - contact Mrs. Stender with questions - jstender@ffhillcrest.org
Incoming 6th Graders - contact Mrs. Holm with questions - sholm@ffhillcrest.org
Incoming 7th Graders - contact Mrs. Diniz with questions - jdiniz@ffhillcrest.org
Incoming 8th Graders - contact Mrs. Foss with questions - mfoss@ffhillcrest.org
Incoming 9th Graders - contact Mrs. Foss with questions - mfoss@ffhillcrest.org
Incoming 10th Graders - contact Mrs. Frobish with questions - lfrobish@ffhillcrest.org
Incoming 11th Graders - contact Mr. Rogness with questions - trogness@ffhillcrest.org
Incoming 12th Graders - contact Mr. Preston with questions - gpreston@ffhillcrest.org
*Note: Hillcrest summer reading lists are updated by June for the preceding summer