Positions Available at Hillcrest

Apply Below for the Following Positions:

  • Bus Driver - Evenings & Weekends ($20.00 per hour)

    Please read the Hillcrest Statement of Faith, and apply for these positions using the job application below.

Job Application

Upon submission of your application, email your transcript to employment@ffhillcrest.org.


At Hillcrest, we look for team members who…

Love God and follow Jesus

  • People who recognize their own sinfulness and need of a Savior.
  • People who have experienced the unconditional love of God in Jesus Christ and are not cynical.
  • People who live in daily repentance and grace.

Relate to others in God's Grace

  • People who have experienced God's forgiveness and readily forgive others.
  • People who are honest and humble in admitting their own need for growth.
  • People who seek reconciliation directly with those with whom there is conflict.
  • People who are able to gracefully handle challenges that may occur.

Genuinely like teens and their parents

  • People who love their students and the students know it.
  • People who assume the care of every student every time.
  • People who remember that we are partnered with parents and the church.

Are team players

  • People who desire to serve the whole school, not just their own class or calling.
  • People who inspire maximum achievement and celebrate the success of others.
  • People who do not grumble or complain.

Are responsible

  • People who perform routine tasks correctly and well.
  • People who arrive on time and respect the commitments of colleagues and students.
  • People who clean up their own messes.

Are committed to truth, wisdom, and virtue

  • People who value, read, and submit to the Bible as God's inspired and infallible Word.
  • People who desire to know God and to make Him known by Word and deed.
  • People who speak the truth in love.