“Education is not a subject and does not deal in subjects. It is instead a transfer of a way of life.”
Upper School
Grades 6-12
Your child’s education is one of the most important investments you will make. As they enter their teen years, students begin to reinforce and challenge the way they were taught to see the world. This means they will engage in ideas of how to approach their life as they enter adulthood. The background of their training, either from a Biblical or secular perspective, will generally guide the foundational truths that they will build in their thoughts, actions, and general habits that will guide them for the rest of their lives.
In each course, Hillcrest seeks to highlight the interdependence between the academic disciplines and their Bible class. It is common to hear Hillcrest students say their History class is like a Bible class, their Bible class is like an English course, and their English class is like a History class. Hillcrest integrates literature, history, language, art, mathematics, and science in a routine and seamless way in most classes. In these courses, students build muscles of logic and wisdom to be expressed through well-crafted rhetoric.
Is classical Christian education still relevant? Yes, more now than ever. Our world is accelerating as technological, cultural, and geopolitical forces reshape our daily lives. The subject matter and skills required in the market are evolving and changing rapidly. However, thinking, articulate people are always in demand. Those who are able to acquire new skills rapidly and independently are sought after regardless of the field. Classical Christian education has a proven track record of turning out these types of students.
Typical Course of Study - 6th Grade
Character Training
Bible / Scripture
Literature Reading
Oratory / Presentations: enunciation, memorization, recruitment, reading aloud
Socratic introduction
Social Studies
American History, Geography
World History / Bible History
Art / Art History
Physical Education
Typical Course of Study - Middle School
7th Grade
Composition 1
Latin 1
Humanities Primary
Humanities Secondary
Art, Music, Band, Orchestra
Physical Education
8th Grade
Composition 2
Latin 2
Humanities Primary
Humanities Secondary
Algebra I
Art, Music, Band, Orchestra
Physical Education
Typical Course of Study - Upper School
9th Grade
Rhetoric I
Principles of Biblical Interpretation
Modern History
Intro to Physics
Foreign Language/Latin
10th Grade
Rhetoric II
Philosophy & Religion
U.S. History
Algebra II
Biology or Honors Biology
Physical Education/Sports Participation*
Foreign Language/Elective
* Sports participation per season is equivalent to .5 credits.
11th Grade
American Literature or British Literature, or AP Language or AP Literature
Western Civilization
Intro to Worldviews
Pre-Calculus or College Algebra
Chemistry or Honors Chemistry
Foreign Language/Elective
12th Grade
American Literature or British Literature, or AP Language or AP Literature
U.S. Government & Economics
AP Calculus/College Algebra/ Consumer Math/Personal Finance
* Computer Apps is required for .5 credits to graduate.
Personal Finance
Consumer Math
Engineering Coding
Art Studio
Music Theory
Concert Band
Aeronautics I, II
Engineering Design
Environmental Science
Concert Choir
Computer Applications
Humanities 10