Students Build Faith by Leading Others in Worship

A local business owner visited Hillcrest last week. It was on worship Wednesday, when students lead students in a time of worship.

The student leading the time organized the worship service with intention. There was a time of reflection, a time of personal confession, and a time of praise. The buisness owner told President Brad, “There’s something special happening here.” She is right.

According to research by the Center for Parent and Youth Understanding (CPYU), the closest thing to a silver bullet to build faith for students is to involve them in corporate worship. What CPYU goes on to explain is kids need to plan, practice, and participate in leading others in seeing Jesus in corporate worship in a routine. 

It’s so important, that when other factors like small groups, mentoring, retreats, justice work, and other ministry activities are factored out, corporate worship habits continue to stand a stalwart practice in building lasting faith for students.

Judit is a student from Norway who is seeing a difference in her after a few months at Hillcrest. She notes that it’s the Holy Spirit’s work community, and the rhythms and routines at Hillcrest that the Spirit is using to drive maturity in her faith.

Do you know students like Judit? Maybe you know a family who wants this kind of growth for their kids. Schedule a tour at Hillcrest with them, maybe on a Wednesday, and discover the many ways students are growing at Hillcrest.


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