The Difference a High School Roommate Makes


I want you to meet Trevor Mortenson, a junior from Illinois. This year at Hillcrest, Trevor is my roommate, and little did I know that this pairing would play a pivotal role in shaping my faith journey.

Prior to this year, I'd been feeling a sense of stagnation in my faith. Despite my desire to connect with God, I often found myself going through extended periods without independently reading my Bible and nurturing my relationship with Christ.

One of the remarkable aspects of Hillcrest is how they pair dorm students with roommates who share their passion for growing stronger in their faith. In my case, that student was Trevor. This turned out to be a defining moment in my journey of faith.

One night, I decided to open up to Trevor about my desire to read my Bible more often. It was in that moment that the real transformation began. Without hesitation, Trevor offered to initiate a nightly mini Bible study session. Our plan was simple: to read through the book of Proverbs each night, gaining wisdom and understanding as we delved deeper into God's Word.

The impact of this newfound habit was nothing short of extraordinary. Through our nightly Bible study, I feel more connected to my faith than I've ever been before. Having a roommate who cares about my faith, and who is not only willing but eager to encourage my growth in faith and maturity, makes a world of difference in my journey.

The key lesson I've learned is that Christianity isn't just a solitary journey; it thrives in the community of believers. Failure, for me, was attempting to grow my faith in isolation. My personal habits of reading the Bible and praying seemed to fade when no one was holding me accountable. Trevor's presence as both a friend and a spiritual companion became a source of motivation and guidance that I had been missing.

Hillcrest is not only providing an exceptional educational environment for me, but it is also fostering a nurturing community that guides me in flourishing spiritually. The power of roommate relationships, like the one I share with Trevor, highlights the importance of accountability, companionship, and shared goals in one's faith journey. It's a reminder that growth in faith is not a solo expedition but a collective and uplifting experience.


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