The Transformative Power of a Milkshake and a Movie at Hillcrest Academy


Loneliness and isolation can be pervasive challenges for students navigating high school. Many students grapple with a profound sense of disconnection in a digitally connected world. In similar ways that digital communities are seemingly mundane and inconsequential in students' lives, so are profoundly simple social events at Hillcrest; things done in rhythm and with purpose drive a student’s perspective of the world. This was recognized recently in a series of weekend rhythms students participate in that involve milkshakes, movies, and building community in unique ways.

If you visit the Student Union on a Saturday night, you’ll likely find a group of students huddling around a few tables. They’ll likely have milkshakes in front of them, their phones on the tables face down, laughing and talking as the resident life staff cue up a movie. Small social events like this are crucial in fortifying community and the feeling of connection. They allow students to unwind, relax, and, most importantly, bond with their peers.

These events serve as catalysts for both mental health support and academic progress. By sharing a movie or enjoying a treat, students occupy a space to forge connections beyond the immediate moment, laying the groundwork for enduring friendships.

While some students naturally gravitate towards social events, others may find it challenging to build community. This is where the dormitory experience at Hillcrest plays a pivotal role. Centered on discipleship, the dormitory experience guides students prone to isolation into a healthy, supportive community. The intentional mentorship provided by resident life staff is a cornerstone of this approach, actively engaging students and inviting them to participate in building a sense of belonging.

The intentional mentorship from resident life staff, who personally invite students to events, creates an environment where everyone feels seen and valued. From enjoying a milkshake to watching a movie and spending time with friends, these simple experiences are the building blocks of character, shaping students into individuals with a sense of purpose and eternal significance.

Hillcrest recognizes that character is shaped most profoundly in the mundane moments. Simple snapshots of life with shared laughter, conversations, and camaraderie are essential scenes where high school students exercise, practice, and hone who they are. It may be weird to highlight it, but milkshake and movie Saturdays are markers of the enduring value of the Hillcrest experience: providing students with a social space to build a well-rounded identity and a lifetime of meaningful connections.


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