President’s Podcast: Recapping Graduation

Graduation brings joy and memories.

Graduation is a time of celebration, reflection, and joy. It is a momentous occasion that marks the end of one chapter and the beginning of a new journey. At Hillcrest Lutheran Academy, graduation is a special time filled with poignant moments, heartfelt testimonies, and cherished memories.

One of the most memorable aspects of graduation at Hillcrest is the senior recognition dinner. This event is a time to honor the graduating seniors and celebrate their accomplishments. It is a time for families, friends, and teachers to come together and show their support for the graduates. The senior recognition dinner is a time of reflection, gratitude, and pride as students look back on their time at Hillcrest and look forward to the future with hope and excitement.

Another highlight of graduation at Hillcrest is the alumni reunion. It is a time for former students to come back to their alma mater, reconnect with old friends, and reminisce about their time at Hillcrest. The alumni reunion is a time of laughter, tears, and shared memories as alumni from different generations come together to celebrate their shared experiences and the enduring bond of the Hillcrest community.

Graduation at Hillcrest is also a time for testimonies. Students and teachers share their stories, their struggles, their triumphs, and their growth during their time at Hillcrest. These testimonies are a powerful reminder of the impact that Hillcrest has had on the lives of its students and the transformative power of faith, intellect, and character development.

As President Brad Hoganson reflects on graduations past, he is reminded of the significant moments that have shaped his tenure at Hillcrest. From the senior recognition dinner to the alumni reunion, from the testimonies shared to the connections made, graduation brings joy and memories that will last a lifetime.

In conclusion, graduation at Hillcrest brings joy and memories that are cherished and treasured by all who are part of the Hillcrest community. It is a time of celebration, reflection, and gratitude for the past and hope for the future. Graduation is a time to honor the past, celebrate the present, and embrace the future with faith, intellect, and character.


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