A century ago, wise parents saw kids distracted by misguided truths in culture. Their churches formed Hillcrest Academy - and today, we proudly carry on their pioneering spirit.
Life at Hillcrest
Christian kids don’t need to feel isolated in the world. Hillcrest understands the pressures facing families and builds a discipleship environment using the classical approach to learning to build faith, develop intellect, and strengthen character to guide students to a deep belief and worship of Jesus Christ.
“My year at Hillcrest has affirmed my faith in what I believe.”
School is stressful for many high school and grade school students and their families. We think that’s because some schools try to teach about the world without God. When students are mentored to love and respect the world God created they think and live differently.
What Students Say
About Hillcrest…
Highlights from Hillcrest

Education is changing rapidly, making parents anxious about what kids are learning and how they’re equipped for the future.
Hillcrest’s time-tested approach to discipleship provides reliable Biblical mentorship. How we use the classical Christian approach to learning and education equips students and families with faith and intellect foundations, reasoning and logic, and the ability to communicate in an ever-changing world with confidence and trust in Jesus Christ.
Building Foundations
Research shows most adults build their view of the world before their 13th birthday. That means kindergarten through 8th grade is essential to build foundations for solid convictions. Find out more about Hillcrest’s Upper School Program>>
After 13, students enter independence and exercise thoughts, ideas, practices, habits, and a way of life. For Christian living in adulthood, the high school years require committed Christian mentors and a decidedly Biblical way of looking at the world to disciple students to sound logic, reasoning, and living. Find out more about Hillcrest’s Upper School Program>>
Students at Hillcrest regularly consider what God is doing in their life. Often that means they reflect on the community of Hillcrest. WATCH SOME STUDENT TESTIMONIES>>
The classical model follows the development patterns in students’ growth. Hillcrest students dive deep into God’s Word and understand the world capitalizing on their natural rhythms in learning as they grow. FIND OUT MORE>>
Some question if a Christian school prepares students for “the real world.” When we study the world, we find it to have order, and at Hillcrest, we expect to see that because God is an orderly being and created the world. If the world is organized according to God’s design, truly understanding the world from His perspective is to participate in reasoned education. In light of this, responding to this organization with respect, awe, and wonder is the appropriate byproduct of genuinely understanding the uniqueness of the world. At Hillcrest, we train students to study the world, understand the Creator by studying His Word, and respond to His character, evident in the created order and communicated through the Bible. So, being in a Christian community is “the real world.” FIND OUT MORE>>
Hillcrest is a discipleship boarding high school in partnership with the mission of the Church of the Lutheran Brethren. The Lutheran Brethren is a consortium of churches that bands together to preach the Gospel worldwide. Hillcrest’s international program naturally invites students worldwide to join our love for the nations deep in our tradition. Our international program equips students for university study and mission opportunities as they consider their next steps. FIND OUT MORE HERE>>
We believe every life is eternally significant because God makes life eternally significant. So for us, to know God and understand His world unlocks the opportunity to join Jesus in His mission of redeeming and restoring the world to glorify Him. To live a life of eternal significance simply means to understand God redeems and restores lives for eternal glory. Therefore, Hillcrest equips students for lives of eternal significance by helping them realize the work of Jesus Christ on the cross, how he atones for the sins of the world, and how he invites us to be a part of his redemption work worldwide.
Some families may pause at joining a classical program in grade school or high school if their child hasn’t had that foundation. While the classical model does build on foundational knowledge, it is never too late to enroll and gain the benefits. Our teachers are mentors and can encourage those who want to learn with important stepping stones to learn and engage with their classmates. It’s never too late to reap the benefits of a classical approach to learning. READ MORE>>
Denominations are important. They form a unity in the body of Christ around deeply held convictions. The conviction of the Lutheran Brethren is missional. If you believe in the Triune God, and that man is justified by faith alone through Christ alone, and you believe in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ for the atonement of sins, you’ll fit right in. If you’re simply looking for a great place for your kid to attend school and learn about Jesus Christ, Hillcrest is a great place to start. LEARN MORE>>
The Benefits of the
Classical Approach to Learning

Hillcrest equips students for a life of eternal significance, joining parents to prepare students for adulthood through dynamic classrooms, meaningful mentorships, and focused faith formation that drives students to build faith, develop intellect, and strengthen character for life.
Considering a school is very important. You’re partnering with that institution to form your child to understand God’s world, learn how they’re called to live in it, and to build habits that drive them deeper into life.
Most schools focus on the classroom. At Hillcrest, our classrooms are a tool to train students to build faith, develop intellect, and strengthen character. Our mentorship program uses the classical approach to guide students to know what is good, true, and beautiful and how to live lives celebrating that.
Many institutions have classes devoted to ethics and character. At Hillcrest, the dynamics of a Christian character are baked into every aspect of our program. From the dormitory environment to student body activities, classroom instruction, and athletic competition. Students experience immediate success and failure side-by-side in nearly every aspect of our program. We disciple them to avoid pridefulness and hone mental toughness so they are well-adjusted adults who seek the best for their communities.
Hillcrest Academy’s classical approach to education isn’t just about rigorous academics; it’s about shaping whole people: students who think deeply, live wisely, and love well. True learning isn’t an isolated process; it happens best within a community of shared experiences and meaningful relationships. From the ancient Greek academies to the monastic schools of the Middle Ages, the greatest centers of learning have always understood that knowledge is best cultivated in the soil of deep, relational community.