Club Giving

You can help support the annual fund of Hillcrest Academy by joining one of the giving clubs at the $120, $500, $1000 $2500, $5000 or $10000 level.

Why support Hillcrest Academy as a club member?

Club members become partners in the ministry of Hillcrest Academy by helping to support the school's annual operational budget. As a result, they assist in keeping tuition rates low, making a Hillcrest education attainable for more students. Additionally, member support helps to secure Hillcrest's financial foundation into the future, ensuring that it will remain able to provide quality Christian education for years to come. There is no limit to the term of your enrollment, provided your continued desire to participate in the club each year. As personal circumstances change, club members may opt to move up to a new giving level.

Every club member will enjoy the following annual benefits:

Listed as a Club member in the Hillcrest Annual Report and every issue of the Hillcrest Connection.

I’ve taken my family’s missionary heritage and made it my own.
— Deborah Diniz | Hillcrest Student from Brazil

Deborah is a third-generation Hillcrest student from Brazil. Her grandparents are missionaries in Brazil, and after her mother graduated from Hillcrest she and her husband started many Christian schools in Brazil. Hillcrest is partnering with those schools right now to share the Hillcrest dormitory experience with those students, equipping them with a life of eternal significance similar to Deborah. Check out her story and join the movement of the club giving that enables her experience and the experience of so many students possible.


It’s the great commission happening right before our eyes here in Fergus and it’s not insignificant. It’s a big deal
— Andrew Miller | Hillcrest Parent & Board Member

Hillcrest is a disciple-making school that equips students for mission. We’ve done this since the early 1900s in preparing students for mission in China and Africa, and students today remain on-mission, going to far away places with the Gospel they’ve been trained in at Hillcrest. While Hillcrest leaps from the Castle to the broader world, we also find the world comes to Hillcrest for training.


Seeing how God has been answering my (prayer) requests just fills me with gratitude and that...fills me with God’s love and that leads me to want to share His love with others
— Lydia Lee | Hillcrest Student from Korea

Lydia Lee is completing her fourth and final year at Hillcrest. As a shy freshman she was encouraged to seek the Lord, and through Hillcrest’s program she found confidence in God’s design for the world and His invitation to Lydia to participate in His story for mankind. Lydia led a small group during Prayer Day, and feels equipped to lead others to know God’s love.


You could just see the wheels turning in the heads of the students. ‘What gifts do I have?’...and they all just teamed up.
— Mrs. Ashton Fuhs | 3rd Grade Teacher

Earlier this year, Mrs. Fuhs taught her class about the parable of the talents. While a talent is a monetary unit in the story, it led students to consider their resources. Using tools from the classical education model, the third-grade student deciphered the foundational message of the story by picking apart the language. They then logically considered their resources and gifts. The class has since turned to express the lessons they’ve internalized by exercising their gifts to bring about a return. Watch the video, be encouraged by how God shapes tomorrow’s leaders and faith-based supporters, and join a giving club to encourage what God is doing in hearts and minds at Hillcrest Academy.


I think it’s important to give because of the work that they do, helping teenagers to become truthful people who honor God with their lives.
— Benjamin Blom | Hillcrest-Danielsen Student '22

Benjamin Blom is a youth leader and worship leader in his church. He also returned to Norway after a year at Hillcrest to ignite a chapel program in his school to help students see who Jesus is. He credits much of his boldness to serve the Lord to his time at Hillcrest, referencing how teachers and staff built a culture for students to grow in their faith.


...they practice Biblical memory at school. From the Lord’s Prayer to different Scripture it seems like they’re always coming home impressing us with what they know.
— Jake and Shari Carr, Hillcrest Parents

Jake and Shari Carr will readily tell you about the blessing of being a part of the Hillcrest community. With their kids in the lower school, Jake and Shari are also seeing important seeds of instruction take hold in their kids. They’re anticipating these seeds will grow into a robust faith, and with that, they are fully behind the mission and vision of Hillcrest.


When I see students, current and alumni, worshipping, praising Jesus, leading small Bible studies, and the things that they’ve learned...that’s why we give to Hillcrest
— Traci Hoganson, Hillcrest Alumnus Parent

Attending Graduation inspired Traci to join in the mission of Hillcrest. Hearing the testimonies of students and alumni showed her that Hillcrest equips students in a unique way to bring the Gospel to the world. She's also seen that in the testimony of her husband, who in serving as the President of Hillcrest joined a giving club because he feels it is one of the most impactful ways to support Hillcrest Academy. 


Their understanding of God is being opened up way bigger than it was before. It’s not just God over here, it’s God everywhere.
— Emily Nash, Hillcrest Parent

Sam and Emily Nash moved to Fergus Falls to send their kids to Hillcrest. To move for a school is a big decision, but after seeing what Hillcrest is doing it was an obvious choice. Now, they're one of many parents who are giving to Hillcrest above-and-beyond what they invest in tuition. The reason, they believe giving to Hillcrest makes an incredible impact. 


The world needs our kids to come out of school with aspirations of being godly men and women…at Hillcrest, you get a deeper character-building that’s based on why and how God made us, that’s the kinda thing I think we need to invest in.
— JP Stender, Hillcrest Parent

JP and Julie Stender met at Hillcrest. What they're finding at the Castle now is more than good feelings, though. They share how Hillcrest has made their kids better at reasoning and communicating, which is bringing their parenting to a new level. But they see giving to Hillcrest as a benefit not only for parents, but for the culture at large. 


How can you be love and light in the world? For me, there’s no greater desire for my kids than that...It’s that they would desire what God is after.
— Eric Ewan, Hillcrest Parent

Eric and Catherine Ewan have four children at Hillcrest. They are the parents of two Hillcrest grads. They've made a significant investment in Hillcrest through tuition, but they're also Hillcrest donors. They say they're donors because they see how Hillcrest is fulfilling the great commission, equipping students to share the love of Jesus with the world. They are inviting you to join them in giving, and this month any new club giving membership, or any current membership renewed for the next club giving tier, will be matched dollar-for-dollar in 2023. The Ewans want you to join them in building solid financial footing for Hillcrest as we start a new year, encouraging Hillcrest to continue the mission of equipping students in a Christ-centered, Bible-based environment for lives of eternal significance.