Classical Discipleship Ignites Courage and Confidence in Students


Equipping students for lives of eternal significance goes beyond mere academic success in Hillcrest’s classical Christian program. Developing students holistically build faith, develop intellect, and strengthen character is closely linked to integrating discipleship and mentorship in the educational experience. This isn’t a small task, creating an atmosphere that guides students to stand clear-minded, courageous, and confident, capable of facing life’s challenges. But through the dynamic approach of uniting staff, teachers, coaches, and administrators in the mission of mentoring students in every experience at Hillcrest Academy the results speak for themselves.

Discipleship is the core of Hillcrest Academy. And using the Classical Christian approach to guide education and extra-curricular experiences students participate in a transformative process of the heart, mind, and soul. The goal of discipleship is to foster a genuine connection with Jesus Christ through the study of Scripture, prayer, and worship. This process lays the groundwork for students to develop a deep understanding of their identity and purpose. Understanding the fundamental design in Creation leads students to echo the words of C.S. Lewis. “I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.” In Hillcrest’s discipleship program, students understand how the teachings of Jesus can help individuals gain a broader perspective on the world. Through classical Christian education, they’re introduced to the broader world, but Hillcrest’s emphasis on Christian discipleship gives students a bearing to see that the knowledge they attain drives them deeper into an understanding of God’s character.

At Hillcrest, Christian discipleship charts the course for meaningful mentorship. Where discipleship leads students to understand Christian thought and practice, mentorship is the active practice of walking through life and building muscles for students to continue on paths they’ve charted from their faith formation. Educators, staff, coaches, and even upperclassmen mentor students, imparting their experiences, wisdom, and values. Mentors are instrumental in inspiring and equipping students to reach their God-given potential by being models of a Christ-centered lifestyle. In mentorship, students understand something that pastor and author Tim Keller outlined when he said, “The church is not a theological classroom. It is a conversion, confession, repentance, reconciliation, forgiveness, and sanctification center.” Hillcrest supports the broader ministry of the church, and many times fulfills the vision Tim Keller casts by being a “sanctification center” where students encounter Christ and respond with action to the finished work of Jesus on the cross and over the grave.

In combining discipleship and mentorship, Hillcrest gives students confidence in Christ to live into His grand story of the world by exercising their abilities with conviction in their identity in Christ. As their faith continues to form at Hillcrest, students become increasingly secure in their knowledge of God’s love and their place in the world. They understand their talents and understand that their lives are part of a larger story ordained by God.

Thus, Hillcrest provides clarity in a world filled with confusion. With Christ at the heart of Hillcrest’s educational mission, students can question prevailing ideas and develop the capacity to think deeply about moral dilemmas as they’re equipped with tools from the Classical education model. They gain a sharper understanding of the world, enabling them to determine truth from falsehood.

Classical Christian schools inspire courage, equipping students to handle life’s challenges with faith in Christ, intellect and understanding of His world, and the character to withstand challenges and live out their part of God’s story. Students discipled and mentored at Hillcrest have the tools to become courageous ambassadors of the Gospel, ready to share the hope of Jesus with the world.


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