Comets March for Life at State Capitol
Let me tell you about these 27 teenagers that recently traveled to St. Paul for the 2025 MN March for Life:
-We began the day by squeezing together in three long pews at the St. Paul Cathedral for an ecumenical service celebrating life and marveled at the masses who solemnly petitioned God for an end to the madness of Minnesota’s refusal to protect the innocent: This is Pro-Life
-Outside the capitol, several of our young people saw a very elderly couple standing in the cold and found, cleared, and helped them sit down on a (rare) granite bench to rest: This is Pro-Life.
-These same students lingered to engage this lonely pair in extended conversation: This is Pro-Life.
-They repeatedly remarked on the large number of babies and small children who were present with their families and then went out of their way to greet and acknowledge their presence: This is Pro-Life.
-Our students showed kindness and gratitude to all the hotel employees, police officers, bus driver, and wait staff who served our large group on this trip: This is Pro-Life.
-They looked out for one another, making sure no one got lost or left behind: This is Pro-Life.
-When we had the opportunity inside the capitol rotunda, students gathered close, placing their hands on our MN senator and congressman, prayed aloud for God’s wisdom, and continued leading. This is Pro-Life.
-They showed eagerness to learn more, asking good questions, seeking to understand the plight of those contemplating abortion and ways they can offer support to promote alternatives. This is Pro-Life.
-They talked about ways to speak up for those with no voice in a way that welcomes hurting peers to seek them in times of crisis for help and support: This is Pro-Life.
--A number of our kiddos work at after school jobs in nursing homes, child care, and retail which they do gladly–as unto the Lord: This is Pro-Life.
-Many of these same teens serve as Sunday school and VBS teachers, work at Bible camp, help with fundraisers to benefit our local pregnancy center, volunteer at the food shelf, pack boxes for Operation Christmas Child, and take part in local and international short-term mission teams: This is Pro-Life.
-This past week, they saw with their own eyes hundreds of students their age–the Pro-Life generation–who refuse to accept current cultural norms, ready to speak out for better choices and spread this message not merely to make abortion illegal but to change hearts and make it unthinkable. This is Pro-Life.
Be encouraged: The future of our nation is in thoughtful and loving hands!